Smart Word4DevOps – FAQs

Q: If the query I run on a Smart Document has Work Items that do not have Smart parts, what format will the Work Items be displayed as?

A: Smart Word4DevOps uses a predefined format. All results of the work item query will be displayed in the document regardless of whether Smart Parts have been defined.

Q: How do you define Queries inAzure DevOps Server?

A: Here is information on how to create Queries usingAzure DevOps Server Web Access.

Q: If I have a document with Work Items how do I open the Work Item in Access?

A: Select any content for the selected Work Item. Then click on ‘Open in Web Access’.

This will open the Work Item in Web Access.

Q: Can I bring in Work Items from one Team Project and publish them to another Team Project?

A: As long as the two Team Projects are from the same Process template you can get Work Items, using Query or Get Work Items, into the document. Then, click on ‘Remove Team Project’ to disconnect from the Team Project.

Then connect to the other project and publish the Work Items. However, if some of the content from the previous project was not applicable, you will need to reset. So for example ‘Iteration Path’ from one project to another project is different – in this case you will need to change the value of ‘Iteration Path’.

Q: For a given Work Item in the SmartWord document how do I see which other Work Items are linked to it?

A: Click on the ‘Show All Links’ button in the ribbon.

This will open the ‘All Links’ tab on the right side.

This panel shows all linked Work Items. It can also be used to create new linked Work Items as children as well as link other existing work items.

Q: Can I edit other properties of a Work Item that are not displayed on the document?

A: Yes, click on ‘Edit Work Item’.

This will show you the Work Item details window.

Q: What does ‘Make Sub’ and ‘UnSub’ do?

A: If you have created two Work Items in Word, at the same level, you can ‘Make Sub’ by selecting the header and click on ‘Make Sub’ button. This makes the lower one the child of upper one.


Upon clicking you will see the heading for second user story will be indented.

Then click ‘Publish’; Now Work Item 1077 will be child of 1076.

If you want click ‘UnSub’ and again ‘Publish’ their parent/child relationship will be removed.