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Requirements Management Made Simple

We traditionally approach Documents, Diagrams and Mockups as a means to draw requirements out – we use them as an elicitation tool. But what if these common practices also translated directly into actual Requirements. What if these modes of elicitation were married to the process of Requirements authoring?

Make RM simple and effective with Modern Requirements Requirements Management Solution

Whether your Requirements Management process struggles from a dependency on multiple applications, or it simply feels like your Requirements are too spread out to manage, Modern Requirements has your single, complete solution.

Diagramming, Document and Report creation, Trace Analysis, Use Case and Mockup creation, Automatic Test Case and User Story generation, features to Analyze your content and so much more!

Allow your Diagrams to do triple the work. Break away from the elicitation-only mentality and allow Diagrams to automatically generate your User Stories, Use Cases and Test Cases. Let yourself take a Microsoft Word approach to writing requirements, but have your text-based content translate directly into actual Work Items your developers can organize and task out.

We serve up a unified workflow that has proven to increase UAT testing, amalgamate time spent writing requirements and creating documents, and introduce an approach that delivers consistency project-wide.

Modern Requirements is a process agnostic solution! Whether you subscribe to Agile, Scrum, strict compliance, or a custom hybrid process template, Modern Requirements will fully serve your Requirements needs. By fully inheriting your unique process template, Modern Requirements will help you maintain the Work Item structure that best fits your project and team.

As the only fully embedded solution for Team Foundation Server (TFS) and cloud-based Azure DevOps (VSTS), Modern Requirements extends Microsoft’s leading ALM tools to create a one-stop shop solution for your requirements management needs.


Check out our features below!
Learn how our Requirements Management Solution can help you reinvent your team’s approach!

Product Administration

Exercise full control of your project with security controls, detailed notifications and adjusting the process template to match your unique specifications.

Always stay in control of your requirements management tools by adding custom notifications and ensuring you miss nothing. After set up, protect your project and guard the avenues of change by ensuring the correct permissions rest in the right hands!


Use queries to create charts and graphs for an always up to date view of your project!

Increase the amount of content you can consume quickly by adding widgets, charts and graphs to your dashboard. Use widgets to stay up to date on Burndown Charts, Sprint Planning, tasks needing completion and much more! Never feel behind by designing one or many dashboards for your convenience!


Address your Sprint Planning, tackle Capacity Planning, and enjoy a catch-all view of your requirements from the Backlog view!

With all of your backlog content in one place, the Backlog view makes Sprint planning a simple drag and drop exercise. Set priorities, dictate effort and adjust Work Items with an easy to use interface. Developers will particular enjoy the convenience of views like Current Iteration, Future Iterations, and an Intuitive KANBAN board to help organize tasks!


The most powerful tool in the entire suite, Query will help you easily access any and all information from your requirements database!

Take your queries throughout the Modern Requirements modules and reduce the effort of finding what you need. We can access and use the queries we save in order to create documents, reports, baselines, add requirements to diagrams, and so much more!

Smart Reporting

Generate fully customizable reports from any module!

Our Smart Reporting tool removes any disruption from your workflow by enabling you to generate and build reports from every screen. Easily customizable with rich content, Smart Report makes presenting your requirements in PDF and Word format simpler than ever.

Smart Docs

Meet our unique document-style requirements authoring tool!

Prepare Introductions and Glossaries alongside lower-level requirements for a full context view of your requirements content! Create fully integrated and structured requirements content from a familiar Word-like view.



A diagramming solution fully integrated with your Requirements Management process!

Automatically generate Use Cases and Test Cases simply by creating your Diagram within our module. With provided stencils and an intuitive positioning guide, let us help you integrate Diagrams fully into your requirements authoring process.

Trace Analysis

Ensure that your requirements have full coverage using Requirements Traceability Matrices!

Create Traceability matrices in minutes that never go out of date. Stay on top of your requirements coverage, and stay in control using either our Intersection Matrix or Horizontal Matrix solutions.


Boost collaboration with your Stakeholders with a simple to use Review Request!

Generate easy to access reviews for approval and email them directly to your stakeholders. Gain valuable feedback or direct approval with our easy to use collaboration tool. E-signature support for approval is already built in!


Capture requirements as a baseline for easy future comparison!

Take a snapshot of your requirements and gain valuable insights into how requirements change over the course of a project. Create change reports and ask for reviews directly from the module!

Use Case

Watch as your textual requirements automatically convert into comprehensive flow diagrams!

Simply type out your Use Case to automatically generate requirement flow diagrams that can be linked directly to your requirements. View the live preview for verification that your Use Case steps are correct, and Analyze scenarios you have just created!


Use HTML and Javascript controls to design high-fidelity wireframes and interfaces directly online!

Organize your ideas by creating rich visual mockups. See full transitions, navigate through pages and create requirements directly within your design process. With quick access to reporting tools, sharing mock ups with stakeholders couldn’t be easier!


Easily design and generate business requirements documents using static and dynamic content!

Create reusable, custom reporting templates that allow you to insert company logos, cover pages, introductory text and more. Fill out your content with access to queries and rich text formatting to experience full control over the style and function of your reports.

Dirty Flag

Eliminate surprises and costly rework by configuring a Dirty Flag as part of your process!

Let our Dirty Flag feature keep your team and stakeholders up to date on changes that matter to them! Heavily configurable, the Dirty Flag feature will notify you about the changes you care about.


Let your answers to specification questions create your requirements content for you!

By providing answers to up to 2500 questions on topics ranging from Accessibility to Scalability, our FAQ feature will create Work Items directly into your Backlog. Miss nothing by answering questions in one of our 19 templates or create your own!

Alice (Bot)

Meet the first of our AI-inspired requirements elicitation tools!

Author content through Alice’s question-and-answer framework to build fully structured requirements hierarchies without ever touching your mouse!

Request a Demo!

Reduce UAT Efforts

50% Reduction in UAT efforts

Proven Time Saving

80% time saving on creating Trace Analysis

Streamline Approvals

Significant reduction in approval delays

Increase Performance

50% requirements productivity improvement

Reduce Rework

10-fold reduction in development rework

Simplify Compliance

40% reduction in compliance reporting efforts

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