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Microsoft Partner

Go-to Microsoft partner for requirements management since 2015

Azure DevOps

Email Service

Modern Requirements4DevOps (aka MR4TFS) Email Service helps user to instantiate requirements or discussion inAzure DevOps Server from email. Most of the times requirements or important discussion regarding an existing requirement are performed on emails, but as with the case of emails keeping track of email or converting those emails to requirement specially if you are managing your requirements in any tool is a hefty process.


Smart Outlook4DevOps

Configure and automatically generate user-defined traceability matrices fromAzure DevOps Server and Azure DevOps. Smart Outlook4TFS enables you to easily create and manage a Requirements Traceability Matrix, Defect Analysis Matrix and various Work Item Decomposition Matrices. With this essential reporting and analysis plug-in, large volume of work items and their relationships can be visualized and organized in a variety of different perspectives.

Email Service (Recommended)
Smart Outlook4DevOps
Create work item based on email automatically
Create work item manually
convert email response into work item discussion
Attach email into work item

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